The Scan-to-BIM revolution: How the MS-96 can become the indispensable ally of BIM modelers

In the world of architecture and 3D modeling, a major transformation is taking place with the advent of Scan-to-BIM. This innovative technology, which combines the power of 3D scanners and BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology, is revolutionizing the way projects are designed, visualized and managed. At the heart of this revolution, the Viametris MS-96 3D scanner is positioned as an essential ally for BIM modelers.

But what is Scan-to-BIM exactly? It is a process of capturing accurate data on site using 3D scanners and then converting it into actionable BIM models. In practical terms, this means that the physical details of a building, such as its dimensions, shapes and textures, are comprehensively captured and integrated into a 3D digital model. This model then becomes an essential source of information for architects, engineers and other professionals involved in the project.

The MS-96 stands out in this revolution thanks to its exceptional performance. Equipped with high-end Lidars, this scanner offers unparalleled precision in data capture. Whether for complex surfaces or difficult-to-access indoor environments, the MS-96 excels and guarantees optimal results. Additionally, its compatibility with popular BIM modeling software such as Autodesk Revit makes it a versatile tool and adaptable to the needs of each project.

BIM modeler, the growing profession in construction

The profession of BIM modeler, or Building Information Modeling, was born in the 1970s and 1980s, with the advent of the first computer modeling software dedicated to construction and architecture. At this time, companies and universities began exploring the possibilities offered by computing to create digital representations of buildings and infrastructure. However, it was in the 1990s that the concept of BIM really took off, with the development of more sophisticated software and the emergence of norms and standards in the field. Since then, the BIM modeling profession has continued to evolve, incorporating new technologies such as 3D scanning, cloud computing and artificial intelligence to improve the management and design of construction projects. Today, BIM modelers play a crucial role in the planning, design, construction and management of buildings, helping to improve their efficiency, sustainability and quality of construction.

1hour to scan a 3-story building with the MS-96

Integrating MS-96 into the Scan-to-BIM workflow has many benefits for BIM modelers. First of all, the speed and efficiency of data capture saves valuable time during the modeling phase. Then, the precision of the captured data guarantees maximum fidelity between the digital model and physical reality, thus reducing the risk of errors and conflicts. Finally, the ease of use and versatility of the MS-96 make it a tool accessible to everyone, even professionals with less experience in 3D scanning.

Example of a 2-story building scan

  • Goal: produce a floor plan of the building
  • Scanning time: 16mins
  • Processing time: less than 1hour
  • Constraints: low-light environment

Viametris at BIM WORLD Paris 2024

A flagship event in the field of Building Information Modeling in Europe, BIM world is organized each year in Paris and brings together key players in the construction industry, architecture, engineering and information technology to share the latest advances, best practices and innovations in BIM.